محل ثبت : اداره ثبت اختراعات ایران (پژوهشگاه ارتباطات و فناوری اطلاعات، مرکز تحقیقات مخابرات ایران)
سال ثبت : 1402
مشاهده سایر اختراعات حامد آقازاده
Due to the nature of their work, certain human resources positions necessitate working long hours while seated. Numerous muscular and skeletal issues affect a significant portion of these people, and the main cause of these issues is the disregard for ergonomic considerations, including proper sitting postures and adequate breaks during the workday. The current concept presents a clever plug-in for tracking office workers' ergonomic health. The University of Tehran's two years of research have led to the completion of this project. During working hours and throughout the week, this plugin can track the user's sitting habits and alert the user to potentially dangerous scenarios like improper posture or insufficient rest. Force sensors, electronic boards, and a microcontroller operate the project's physical platform. The system's software platform was created in English and works with both Windows and Android. Hardware warnings (locking the computer) and software warnings (phone vibration and voice warning) have both been taken into account in the plan to change people's unhealthy seating patterns. Bluetooth is used to establish communication between the chair and the phone or computer. The smart chair extension will help to improve human resource productivity in office tasks by correcting people's bad seating habits and preventing weariness during working hours. Human resources are one of the key capital pillars that are essential to the development and advancement of any company's position in its field. The availability of such a system is particularly beneficial for worker health and the ergonomics of the work environment in industrial and office professions where workers spend lengthy stretches of the day sitting in chairs, and it prevents long-term muscle and skeletal injuries to the individual. stops the period.